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jun ji中文是什么意思

用"jun ji"造句"jun ji"怎么读"jun ji" in a sentence


  • 姬军
  • 纪军
  • 军机大臣


  • China flowers deng li jun ji nian zhuan ji
  • In recent years , we have come to view korea as a trendsetter in all things chic and cool , from boa and jun ji - hyun to
  • Main actress and director of my sassy girl , jun ji - hyun and kwak jae - yong , with the main actor of volcano high , jang hyuck
  • The first part of the movie basically introduces the romantic encounter of the two protagonists kyung - jin jun ji - hyun and myung - woo jang hyuck , and how they fall in love
  • Character - wise , perhaps jang hyuck s myung - woo is not as stupid and clumsy as cha tae - hyun s gyun - woo in my sassy girl , they do share the same trait of a good and obedient man , and the same goes to jun ji - hyun as well
  • Even though the story of this movie is a failure , the cast has nevertheless done a satisfactory job , which saves the movie from being a total flop . jun ji - hyun , reprising her role as another sassy girlfriend , is as gorgeous and appealing as usual
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